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We are now MESCIUS USA, Inc. Read More!

We are now MESCIUS USA!

ComponentOne Support Plans

Our support plans are structured to meet the needs of every developer and ensure your success in using our products. All ComponentOne standard developer licenses include Standard Support. To get the most from our additional services, you may purchase optional support plans at the time of license purchase.

  Standard Support Platinum Support Enterprise Support
Monitored Community Forums
Online Ticket Support
Ticket Response Time 3 Business Days 1 Business Day 1 Business Day
Issue Escalation Priority Medium High*  Highest**
Remote Web Assistance  ✔
Phone Support
High Priority Feature Requests
Product Manager Follow-Up
Developer Access Per Developer Per Developer Per Company
Price Included $400 Contact Sales

How ComponentOne Issues are Addressed

When you submit an issue through our support ticket system, our team will respond with a solution or request further details within one to three business days. If the issue is caused by a bug or requires changes to the API it will be escalated to our development team. Our goal is to resolve all critical bugs at a higher priority than issues that require changes to the API.

The ComponentOne products have six updates per year including two major releases and four maintenance builds (hotfixes). Major releases include new features and bug fixes. Maintenance updates only include bug fixes.

Issue Escalation Priority Definitions

  • Medium (Standard Support) - Escalated issues are typically resolved in the maintenance update that follows the next major release. Average resolution time: 6 months.

  • *High (Platinum Support) - Escalated issues are typically resolved in the next update whether it's a hotfix or major release. Average resolution time: 3 months.

  • **Highest (Enterprise Support) - Resolved issues will receive a custom, tested build as soon as the issue is fixed. If an official update is planned less than one month away the issue will be fixed in that update. Average resolution time: 1 month.

Support Service Definitions & Notes

  • Developer Access - Platinum Support is accessible per developer which means if your company purchases one Platinum Support license only the developer registered to that license can access those services. Enterprise Support enables anyone at your company to access the higher tier support services.
  • Remote Web Assistance - Our support team may offer to remotely access your development machine to quickly resolve an issue so you don't have to. This is typically for installation and licensing issues.

  • Phone Support - Our industry leading phone support allows you to speak with a support agent immediately to report an issue or receive follow-ups on open issues.

  • Feature Requests - We can't guarantee every feature request gets implemented. If the feature request aligns with our product roadmap, we will plan it for the next major release time permitting. For Enterprise Support, the estimated timeline for approved feature will be clearly communicated by our product team.

  • Platinum and Enterprise Support services are not available with ComponentOne ActiveX Edition.

Platinum Support for Wijmo and Document Solutions

Our Wijmo and Document Solutions developer licenses include Platinum support. Platinum support adds 24-hour FastTrack response and unlimited phone technical support with our US based team.

  Platinum Support
24 Hour FastTrack Response *
Industry Leading Phone Support
Online ticket support
Monitored community forums
All major releases for one year
Access to hotfix builds
  • For our customers with a current Platinum subscription, we provide a response to any issue submitted to us within 24 hours (excluding weekends and observed US holidays).


Next Steps

See Pricing

Maintenance Support for ActiveReports and Spread

Annual Maintenance is an add-on for each purchased license and is highly recommended. You always have support through forums, documentation, and online tickets through our My-Support portal. Maintenance entitles you to the next major release of the product and unlimited phone technical support with our US-based team within the year following your purchase. This is the most cost-effective way to ensure that you have the latest features. If you don’t have annual maintenance, you can always upgrade to the latest release using the discounted upgrade pricing, but with the maintenance, you save an extra up to 35% off of the upgrade pricing.

Note: SpreadJS, Spread.NET, and DataViewsJS. Services include maintenance with every developer license.

Note: Service Packs, which contain bug fixes, are freely available to licensed customers. A major release, by contrast, contains new features and enhancements based on customer feedback and market trends.

  Annual Maintenance/Renewal Free Standard Support
Next major version released within the year  
Industry Leading Phone support  
Online ticket support
Monitored community forums
Same-version service packs
  • Please note that maintenance is not available for Spread COM.


Next Steps

Upgrade to Maintenance

Visit the forums

See Pricing