wjcCore.closest does not work in IE

Posted by: dharric on 18 March 2019, 11:42 am EST

  • Posted 18 March 2019, 11:42 am EST

    In this case I am importing wijmo/wijmo as wjcCore. And calling wjcCore.closest does not work. It returns null. Is there a native equivalent for this call? I’ve tried using msMatchesSelector to simulate this call but that does not work for .wj-listbox-item.

  • Posted 19 March 2019, 8:44 am EST


    I tried to reproduce the issue but was unable to do so. wjcCore.closest seems to work well on IE11

    I am attaching the sample that I used for replicating the issue. After clicking on the access element button, you can check in the console window that wjcCore.closest is returning the specified element.


    Feel free to modify the sample so that it replicates the issue and send it back so I can investigate further. It would also help if you could also mention steps to replicate the issue.

  • Posted 19 March 2019, 7:18 pm EST - Updated 3 October 2022, 8:08 pm EST

    When I use that url on ie11 in windows 10. I get this error and the screen does not load at all. Also is this sample angular I use react.

  • Posted 20 March 2019, 7:12 am EST


    Please refer to the following sample:


    Source code for sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/js-c12pvm?file=index.html

    The sample is based on pureJS and closest seems to be working fine in IE. If you are still facing issues, please share a small sample replicating the issue so that we could further investigate the issue.


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