Posted 10 February 2020, 9:09 am EST
Hi there,
I am using cypress automation framework to run end to end tests. When entering data into wijmo tables using cypress, it does not enter the data into the fields. I am using below code to enter data, please can you let me know how can i enter data into wijmo table fields.
async setGridDataBurningCost(element: string): Promise {
await cy.get(element).scrollIntoView()
.click({ force: true })
.invoke(‘show’, ‘.wj-grid-editor.wj-form-control’)
, { force: true }).toPromise();
cy.get(element).should('contain', '100');
and also i have tried with below code
async setGridDataBurningCost(element: string): Promise {
await cy.get(element)
.click({ force: true })
, { force: true }).toPromise();cy.get(element).should(‘contain’, ‘100’);
I think mainly the issue is with invoking the input field for user to enter data.
Please let me know if you need any further information in resolving the issue to enter data into wijmo fields in tables.
Many thanks