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WinForms .NET PrintDocument

A More Powerful .NET PrintDocument

ComponentOne PrintDocument for WinForms is the most unique solution available to provide dynamic and flexible previewing, formatting, printing, and exporting capabilities to your .NET applications.

  • Generate data-bound documents, reports and add printing to your applications
  • PrintDocument for WinForms provides the C1PrintDocument component as well as six visual document preview components
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Why Choose .NET PrintDocument for WinForms?

Generate Documents

Generate Bound and Unbound Documents

With C1PrintDocument, documents can be completely created in code, or bound to a database via a powerful and flexible data binding model.

Data Entry Form

Add Printing Support to Your Application

With the all-in-one C1PrintPreview or C1RibbonPreview controls, provide a print preview dialog to users with built-in print settings.

Custom Print Preview

Build a Custom Print Preview Solution

Using the individual components, including C1PreviewPane and C1PreviewOutline, you can build a custom WinForms printing solution with ease.

A Richer WinForms PrintDocument Component

The C1PrintDocument component provides a rich object model which permits the creation of arbitrarily complex documents in code. The object model specifically targets paginated documents, providing a rich set of features facilitating automatic and intelligent pagination of complex structured documents. Documents can be created entirely in code or bound to a database via a powerful and flexible data binding model. Control the document content further with VBScript expressions that may contain aggregate expressions.

WinForms PrintDocument Key Features

Rich Formatting Options

Control the look of your document with support for paragraphs of text with multiple fonts, text and background colors, text positioning (subscript, superscript), inline images, various text alignment (including justified text), and more.

  • Multiple Page Layouts
  • Document Reflow
  • Insert Hyperlinks
  • Insert Tables
  • GDI+ Text Rendering

Create Interactive Documents with TOC

Our .NET WinForms PrintDocument can include interactive forms to be filled out by the end-user, with a full set of common controls such as text boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, and more. Any document element can be a hyperlink or a hyperlink jump target. You can also indicate that an element should be an item of the automatically generated table of contents (TOC).

Classic Toolstrip and Ribbon Print Preview UI

The integrated components (C1PrintPreviewControl and C1PrintPreviewDialog) make adding a professional-looking preview to your applications a snap with ready-to-use thumbnail and outline views, text search, and predefined toolbars right out of the box. The set of specialized controls (C1PreviewPane, C1PreviewThumbnailView, C1PreviewOutlineView, C1PreviewTextSearchPanel) allow you to fine-tune your preview as much as you need. The C1RibbonPreview control provides a more modern UI option using a Ribbon toolbar.

WinForms Print Preview Controls

The WinForms print preview components provide a powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use set of tools that let you quickly add document viewing capabilities to your application. In addition to the C1PrintDocument component, preview controls can load and show the standard .NET PrintDocument component, and even export to a number of external formats (PDF, Excel, Word, RTF, HTML, image formats) and the C1DX file format, which results in a compressed, small-sized file.