WPF FlexChart Overview

Modern looking, high performance FlexChart, FlexPie, Sunburst, FlexRadar and TreeMap charts for WPF come with powerful features, flexible data binding, and simple and easy-to-use API. In addition, they provide several basic to complex chart types for your data visualization needs.

Following sections help you gain insights into these controls and their advanced capabilities.

Documentation Videos

Create Your First Application using FlexChart

FlexChart Fundamentals

FlexChart Types

Working with FlexChart

WPF FlexPie

Animation in FlexPie

WPF Sunburst Chart

WPF FlexRadar

WPF TreeMap

Getting started with FlexChart for WPF

Blogs Product Samples

How to aggregate WPF Chart data using FLexChart

Asynchronous Drill Down Options in FlexChart WPF Chart Controls

Product samples are located at Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WPF\vx.x\CS\Chart\FlexChartExplorer or Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WPF\vx.x.x\C1.WPF.FlexChart\CS on your system, if you have installed the samples while installing WPF Edition using ComponentOneControlPanel.exe.

API References
C1WPF.FlexChart .NET Framework Assembly C1.WPF.Chart .NET Assembly
Note: ComponentOne Chart controls are compatible with both .NET and .NET Framework Editions.