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Themes for WinForms Overview
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Themes for WinForms makes it easy to theme your WinForms controls with many built-in themes and an easy to use Theme designer to create your own themes or modify the existing ones.  This product enables you to easily provide a consistent customized look to WinForms applications which use other ComponentOne WinForms products such as C1Ribbon, C1Scheduler, C1FlexGrid and others. Themes for WinForms includes one component, C1ThemeController, and a Theme designer.

The C1Themes product physically consists of two separate parts:

  • C1.Win.C1Themes assembly

This assembly provides the C1ThemeController component, which is used to load and apply themes to controls at design and runtime. Besides, the assembly contains (as embedded resources) a set of predefined themes which can be used as is, or customized to better serve your purposes. Projects using this assembly need to have a reference to C1.C1Zip dll.

  • C1.Win.C1Themes.Extended assembly

This assembly provides the C1ThemePicker control, which can be dropped from the toolbox to the form. The C1ThemePicker control represents a drop-down list to select one of the registered themes and apply it to the assigned C1ThemeController.

  • C1ThemeDesigner application

This application can be used to create new, or customize existing themes (including those embedded into the C1.Win.C1Themes assembly as mentioned above).

Key Features

Note: ComponentOne Themes for WinForms is compatible with both .NET and .NET Framework.
API References
C1.Win.C1Themes .NET Framework Assembly C1.Win.Themes .NET Assembly
See Also