Spread.NET 14 ReadMe
Manually Upgrading Visual Studio .NET Products

When you install Spread for ASP.NET and you have used previous versions of the product and you wish to use a binary update or prevent verbose information, you might need to update Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and your existing projects, as explained in this topic.

To upgrade your existing VS.NET projects

For existing projects, make sure the reference path is correct, and add the new FpSpread assemblies. To do so, follow these instructions:

  1. Open the project in VS.NET and close all the open forms.
  2. In VS.NET in your project, open the Solution Explorer (Ctrl+Alt+L).
  3. Right-click the Project and choose Properties.
  4. From the Project's Property Pages, select Reference Path and modify the Reference Path so it points to the location where you installed the latest assemblies. Then click OK.
  5. Click OK to close the Add Reference dialog and add these assemblies to your project.

Add the following information to Web.config, to prevent verbose information such as "Version=8.40.20143.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=327c3516b1b18457". Existing pages are not affected.

  1. Add the following lines into the <controls><pages> section in your Web.config (or, if these line exists, update the version information):

    <add tagPrefix="FarPoint" namespace="FarPoint.Web.Spread" assembly ="FarPoint.Web.Spread, Version=8.40.20143.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=327c3516b1b18457"/>

    <add tagPrefix="FarPoint" namespace="FarPoint.Web.Chart" assembly ="FarPoint.Web.Chart, Version=8.40.20143.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=327c3516b1b18457"/>

If you would like to upgrade your web application (built with an older version of FarPoint.Web.Spread.dll) to a newer version (binary update assemblies only, without rebuilding or adding new pages), you can use the following steps:

  1. Copy all FarPoint.*.dll to your project's bin folder.
  2. Open Web.config in the root folder of your project and add the following information to enable the assembly version redirection (change oldVersion and newVersion to your desired values).




    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">


    <assemblyIdentity name="FarPoint.Web.Spread" publicKeyToken="327c3516b1b18457" />

    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="8.40.20143.0" />





Remember to make a backup of all your projects before upgrading. Once you have followed these instructions and upgraded the projects, and changed the Reference Path and loaded and saved the project, you will not be able to open the project in the old version. Once you have saved it in the new version, you cannot go back and open it in the old version. This restriction applies only to files that have a control on a form that had changes at design time that required writing objects to the RESX file.


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